Deal of the Day

Saturday, 5 November 2011

If I knew then what I know now

Almost every night on the news we watch our inexperienced politicians blunder about on the world stage, making our problems worse and getting us involved in situations that don’t concern us.

Watch this clip below and see another well meaning but naive young man interfering in a situation that doesn’t concern him

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Turn your body into a FAT BURNING MACHINE

If you have a Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) of more than twenty five you need to lose weight and I recommend you do so as soon as possible.
To lose weight you need to eat less and move more and this usually involves following a sensible diet and an exercise plan.
The most effective way to lose weight is to train aerobically.
Examples of aerobic exercise include, brisk walking, cycling, jogging, swimming and many others. If you train aerobically four times per week for forty minutes you will become progressively fitter, change shape and lose weight. You will also enjoy your training, sleep better and feel much healthier.
Traditional diet theory assumes that the human body needs a fixed number of calories, (the calorie is the old fashioned unit of energy) say 2000 per day to function and the human body obtains these calories by consuming food. Any more than 2000 calories and the result is weight gain, less than 2000 calories and you should lose weight.
However, traditional diet theory assumes that the rate at which the human body burns calories, the metabolic rate, is fixed and this is wrong. Different people have different metabolic rates and the metabolic rate of an individual can change depending upon his/her level of fitness. We all know people who can eat what they like without gaining weight because they are lucky enough to have a naturally high metabolic rate. Most of us were thinner when we were younger because we were naturally fitter and our metabolic rate was higher.
Aerobic training increases your metabolic rate . It turns existing fat into muscle which continues to burn calories, twenty four hours per day, seven days per week even when you are asleep.
Aerobic training will turn your body into a fat burning machine.
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Thursday, 28 July 2011

The most effective way to lose weight

To lose weight you need to eat less and move more.
This usually involves following a sensible diet and an exercise plan.
If you want to lose weight, the most effective way to exercise is to train aerobically.
Examples of aerobic exercise include:-
- brisk walking
- cycling
- jogging
- golf (carry your clubs)
- swimming
- and many others
Maximum benefit will occur if you exercise 3-5 times per week for a duration of  30-50 minutes.
More specifically, to train aerobically you will need to raise and maintain your heart rate (H.R.)  to between 60% and 90% of an age specific Maximum Heart Rate (M.H.R.)
To determine your MHR in beats per minute (b.p.m.)
Subtract your age from 220                MHR =  220  -  age
The Upper Limit is 90% of MHR            Upper Limit  =  MHR  *  90 / 100
The Lower Limit is 60% of MHR            Lower Limit  =  MHR *  60 / 100
For example, a  30 year old
MHR = 220-30  =  190. 
Upper Limit  =  190  *  90 / 100    =171
Lower Limit  =  190  * 60 / 100    =114.
This individual would need to keep his HR between 114 and 171 bpm.
If this individual doesn't train hard enough, HR less than 114,  maximum benefit will not gained.
If this individual trains too hard, HR more than 171, training will not be aerobic and again maximum benefit will not be gained.
The talk test is a good indicator of how hard you are training. If you find it difficult to talk, you are probably training too hard. For aerobic exercise, you should be able to say a few words, catch your breath, and then continue talking. If you can talk throughout your session, you are not training hard enough.
There are many heart rate monitors commercially available.
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Saturday, 28 May 2011

Do you think you need to lose weight?

To determine if you are a healthy weight and if you need to need to lose any. Calculate your Body Mass Index (B.M.I.)

BMI = mass / (height) x (height)
BMI = m / s x s
m = mass in Kg
s = height in m

For less the less technical, measure your mass in kilograms and your height in metres. Multiply your height by itself, (square it) then divide your mass by your height squared.

If you are still struggling, you can use a BMI calculator which does the maths for you.

Use the table below to interpret the figures

Body Mass Index

less than 18.5 - underweight

18.5 to 25 - healthy

25 to 30 - overweight

greater than 30 - OBESE

greater than 40 - MORBIDLY OBESE

If your BMI is between 18.5 - 25, you are a healthy weight.

If your BMI is greater than 30, you are obese. LOSE WEIGHT NOW

To lose weight you need to eat less and move more.

This usually involves following a sensible diet and an exercise plan.

If you want to lose weight, the most effective way to exercise is to train aerobically.

Examples of aerobic exercise include brisk walking, cycling, jogging, golf (carry your clubs) swimming and many others

A good indicator of whether any exercise you are taking is aerobic or not is the talk test. If you find it difficult to talk, you are probably working too hard. For aerobic exercise, you should be able to speak a few sentences, take a few breaths, then speak a few more sentences. If you can talk continually while exercising, you are not training hard enough.

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Friday, 8 April 2011

Be Confident and Present Yourself as Well as You Can

Wearing our older, comfortable clothes can be all well and good on occasion. Sometimes it is fine to take it easy and not think about how we look, but in truth we present ourselves with greater confidence when we know that we are looking our best. And sometimes appreciating that a little effort can make all the difference to how we feel and how others perceive us can make a major difference to making that effort worthwhile on a more regular basis.

- Face. Taking care of skin, hair and makeup enables us to feel more confident and smart. We can relax knowing that we are presenting a composed, self-contained appearance and that persona can be a useful shield at times. We can be confident knowing that however we are feeling inside we are projecting an outer calm exterior. Often when people have been through a difficult time or had a change of lifestyle they use it as an opportunity for a new look. It often improves confidence levels and inspires a renewed sense of energy and a fresh outlook.

- Underwear. Wearing good quality underwear can be a luxurious secret. The special feeling, knowing that lovely fabrics and sensuous garments are being worn underneath ones regular day clothes can be a rather glamorous feeling. Wearing ones 'best' underwear for oneself can be an important choice, rather than the usual older items.

- Clothes. It is not unusual for people to have cupboards that contain lovely new clothes, some with the tickets still on them. Some of these items may be being saved for a special occasion that will justify wearing them. The problem can be that often these items become forgotten about, or our clothes size changes, or they become out-of-date. Many of these clothes may well end up at the charity shop, given away for someone else to buy.

- Shoes often make an outfit. Many women are passionate about their shoes and have many pairs of elegant boots, shoes and sandals. Often though the old shoes are still worn for day-to-day use and trainers are comfortable for casual wear. There are hundreds of pounds being regularly spent on shoes that are stored on shoe racks and in boxes. Getting them out to wear can make an ordinary outfit feel extra special and give it a new lease of life.

- Jewellery. Many people have fabulous jewellery, some received as a gift, other pieces bought to go with a particular outfit. Sometimes though remembering what we own and which special pieces can add glamour to an outfit can require too much of an effort, especially if we are in a hurry. It can be a help to take the time to regularly go through the jewellery drawer, reminding ourselves which pieces are modern and quirky and which are more traditional and classy. Otherwise the same pieces can end up being worn all the time. Putting some different jewellery with an outfit can give it a completely fresh look

- Body. How we feel about our body can be a major factor to our confidence levels. Taking care to eat well and nutritiously, to regularly exercise and keep fit, to keep ourselves clean, fresh and well-maintained are all significant factors in feeling good about ourselves. Learning to listen to our body, visit for health checks and keep ourselves as well as possible all feature in feeling healthy, confident and able to be the best we can be.

Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with
- stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief,
- couples in crisis to help improve communications and understanding
- with business clients to help support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams

For more information see

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Thursday, 6 January 2011

Foods that Can Fight Disease

While researchers try to develop a pill or new cure to fight one of a number of diseases, the magic potion that they are spending millions of dollars to find could be right under their nose. Alternative medicine tells us that a wide variety of herbs, fruits and vegetables have healing power and now conventional medicine is starting to catch on. There are a number of foods which have been shown to lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and cancer. The idea is simple, eat well and live long.

When it comes to preventing cancer, vegetables lead the way. Packed with antioxidants that can slow or stop the growth of some cancer cells are dark green vegetables like spinach, romaine lettuce and collard greens. Other vegetables which are loaded with antioxidants include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. The antioxidants contained in these foods go after the free radicals associated with cancer that damage healthy cells in the body. Beans and peas are other foods that may be able to block cancer cells from reproducing slowing down the growth of some tumors.

Tomatoes are another food that shows promise in warding off cancer. The lycopene in the tomato has been shown to prevent prostate cancer. Blueberries are another fruit which is loaded with antioxidants that have been shown to not only prevent cancer but can also stop the growth of some cancer cells. Garlic and mushrooms are other foods which are believed to have components that can protect the body from cancer. Flax seeds are loaded with similar ingredients that have been shown to protect against colon cancer.

When it comes to protecting the heart, fish is at the top of the list. The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and tuna are natural cholesterol fighters and can reduce the risk of developing dangerous heart arrhythmia. The American Heart Association is so convinced of the powers of fish that its own diet recommends having two servings of fish each week. Even if you do not like the taste of the fish, these oils are contained in a number of supplements now for sale over the counter which can help protect your cardiovascular system. Fish oil is also a powerful anti-inflammatory which shows promise in helping people with arthritis deal with the pain. Fish oil is also an anticoagulant which keeps the blood thin and can prevent strokes.

To promote good overall health, you should also be consuming foods that are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Potassium. Bananas and sweet potatoes provide a great deal of potassium which will keep your bones strong. Vitamin C can be found in strawberries, raspberries and red peppers and that will also build strong bones and at the same time protect the skin from cancer. The best substance for keeping the bones strong as we age is calcium and that takes us back to those dark green vegetables which we already told you were good for you. And, don't forget the old standby that makes the body stronger, milk.

I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage kit supplies provider. They carry products such as massage stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

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