Deal of the Day

Sunday 28 August 2011

Turn your body into a FAT BURNING MACHINE

If you have a Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) of more than twenty five you need to lose weight and I recommend you do so as soon as possible.
To lose weight you need to eat less and move more and this usually involves following a sensible diet and an exercise plan.
The most effective way to lose weight is to train aerobically.
Examples of aerobic exercise include, brisk walking, cycling, jogging, swimming and many others. If you train aerobically four times per week for forty minutes you will become progressively fitter, change shape and lose weight. You will also enjoy your training, sleep better and feel much healthier.
Traditional diet theory assumes that the human body needs a fixed number of calories, (the calorie is the old fashioned unit of energy) say 2000 per day to function and the human body obtains these calories by consuming food. Any more than 2000 calories and the result is weight gain, less than 2000 calories and you should lose weight.
However, traditional diet theory assumes that the rate at which the human body burns calories, the metabolic rate, is fixed and this is wrong. Different people have different metabolic rates and the metabolic rate of an individual can change depending upon his/her level of fitness. We all know people who can eat what they like without gaining weight because they are lucky enough to have a naturally high metabolic rate. Most of us were thinner when we were younger because we were naturally fitter and our metabolic rate was higher.
Aerobic training increases your metabolic rate . It turns existing fat into muscle which continues to burn calories, twenty four hours per day, seven days per week even when you are asleep.
Aerobic training will turn your body into a fat burning machine.
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